Employer Training
Explore our below courses tailored especially for employers and in the workplace.
To book any upcoming courses, please email info@tilgltd.co.uk or emma@tilgltd.co.uk

Understanding Mental Health
28th April 9-12pm
In this three hour session, you will
gain an understanding of how childhood affects mental health
Explore different common mental health issues at work
Explore strategies to help self-regulate and support mental health in the workplace
De-escalation in the workplace
10th April 9-12pm
In this three hour session, you will explore:
What is de-escalation?
Discussion around what gets on nerves?
Explore triggers of behaviour
Six stages of crisis, conflict spiral
Outline de-escalation strategies,
Verbal and non-verbal communication
Reflect and share on good practice,
Conflict resolution.
Understanding ADHD
2nd April 9-12pm
In this three hour session, you will
To gain an understanding of what ADHD is
To be aware of co-existing conditions.
To explore resources and strategies that we can use with people with ADHD
Understanding Autism
7th April 9-12pm
In this three hour session, you will
Explore the four areas of difference
Recognise the importance of creating an enabling environment
Consider how anxiety affects people with autism
Understand how to support sensory needs
Identify ways to support communication
Rahul Patel
"More employers need this training to gain further knowledge about autism and how it benefits their business"
Coventry Job Shop
"Practical training as i can apply the training to my workplace"
Laura Swingler
“Really informative and engaging. A lot to take away and put into practice”